If someone wants to grow daisies in their pants and identify as a plant, that’s great. I love diversity (especially if it’s funny). Just don’t expect me to treat you like an actual plant.
If you want to make vroom noises and identify as a Ferrari, that’s great. I love sports cars. Just don’t expect me to treat you like an actual car.
Identify all you want, with whatever you want. Really. Doesn’t make one wit of difference to me. Just don’t force it down my throat (I’ve already got acid reflux). Or our kids. Especially our kids.
About 15 years ago I learned about “Furries,” people who dress up and socialize in animal costumes. Some like to pretend they’re a fierce tiger. Others enjoy being Bugs Bunny. But they never try to force others to accept them as actual animals (or cartoon characters).
Oh, and they don’t really believe that they’re Mickey Mouse or Sonic the Hedgehog. Nor do they advocate that kids get tails, claws, or fangs surgically implanted. Because although furries love acting like animals, they know they’re not actually animals.
Get the point? It’s your life. Do what you want. That’s the beauty of freedom. But expect a rain of thunder to pour down on your gender-fluid heads if you continue pushing your twisted beliefs on those of us who “identify” with our chromosomes.
So bring back asylums. Nice and safe, with padded-walls for the loonies - and maybe even makeup mirrors for the looniest.
Some picture! :-)